Concrete Calculator MOD APK (Pro Unlocked)
Download The Latest APK Version of Concrete Calculator MOD APK. An Android Business App this MOD comes with Pro Unlocked Available download Yours Now.
Features of Concrete Calculator
Easy to use with an intuitive interface
Calculates concrete amount in different types of concrete
Calculates block count for walls and floors
Calculates the weight of rebar
Plastering calculator
Calculates cement, sand, and aggregate amount in concrete
For those immersed in construction endeavors, this Concrete Quantum Estimator proves indispensable. This tool becomes your ally, enabling you to precisely compute the concrete requisites for various project facets, be it footings, slabs, steps, pillars, columns, and beyond.
Furthermore, it empowers you to determine the requisite number of premix bags for your undertaking. Armed with the flexibility to customize bag sizes, you can effortlessly ascertain the quantities of cement, sand, and aggregate necessary for your project.
Option to set your bag size and rate of premix bags
Utilizing the Concrete Quantum Estimator, you gain the ability to compute the slab weight, determine the requisite block count for a wall, and pinpoint the number of premix bags necessary for your project. This versatile tool empowers you to seamlessly calculate the essential quantities, including both the bags of premix and their specific requirement for wall construction.
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