FloatingMenu MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)
Download The Latest APK Version of FloatingMenu MOD APK. An Android Tools App this MOD comes with Subscription Unlocked Available download Yours Now.
FloatingMenu MOD APK is a tool that helps the disabled to use their phone easily. It helps the user to navigate through the mobile screen easily.
The App can be installed in the home screen of any android device. Using App, you can easily access any menu of the application without touching the screen. This tool has the ability to recognize various gestures.
It can be used with the mouse or touch. The floating menu has the ability to respond to all types of gestures.
With This, you can easily access all the menus of your application. Whether it is an email client, messaging app, or even the camera application.
The app works with almost all applications. With This App, you can use the application with ease and convenience. If you want to use your phone with a mouse, this is the best tool you need to get the job done.
You can use it for any type of operation you want to perform. You can use FloatingMenu for any type of purpose.
This is a tool that helps people who have difficulty using their fingers to perform tasks. The menu bar has many functions for people who are disabled.
It is a great tool to provide ease of use for people who are unable to use their fingers. It is designed for people who have difficulties in using their fingers to control their phone.
With This App, it will be easy for you to select the function you want to perform. And you can find the application easily on the Google Play Store.
Features of FloatingMenu MOD APK
Use one hand to control your phone
FloatingMenu MOD APK is a one-handed interface for mobile apps. It allows you to interact with your phone with one hand, while the other hand is free to use another device, such as a keyboard, mouse, or game controller.
When you have FloatingMenu enabled, it will appear on the screen. You can open apps and scroll through pages by swiping up or down with your finger. Swipe left or right to switch between apps.
If you are using the phone to browse the internet, you can tap the floating menu to turn off the screen.
Support for many gestures
With the FloatingMenu, you can access all the features of your mobile phone with the same gestures you’ve been using to operate your phone. For example, by swiping up from the bottom of the screen, you can launch the camera; double tapping the screen will activate the flashlight; and swiping down from the top of the screen will open the notification panel.
You can navigate through the app with one hand using Ap. Just swipe your finger on the screen to open the menu and navigate to the desired menu item. Swipe to close the menu and go back to the previous page. You can also use the menu to share files, browse apps, and more.
Customizable floating button
The App is a customizable floating button app which allows you to put your finger anywhere on the screen to launch an application, launch an activity, open a menu, or close a menu. With this app, you can change the size of the button, its position, and the color of the text. You can also change the background color and transparency.
Swipe up to see your recent app
FloatingMenu is an app which based on the gesture.It lets you do your everyday work on your phone with one hand.
You can use this app to get quick access to the recent apps.
Swipe up to see your recent apps.
When you swipe your finger up, you’ll find the recently opened apps. You can use this feature to switch to the last used apps and you’ll be able to use your phone with one hand.
Swipe left or right to switch app
You can use this app as floating menu. Swipe left or right to switch app. If you want to use more apps, you can use the shortcut to open another app. When you swipe up, you can switch to another app. Swipe down to switch back to the last app.
If you do not want to use the floating menu, you can disable it by tapping the button “Disable”.
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